Blood Root Salve is a Native American Indian remedy which was used to treat 'bad skin'. It is the dried root of Sanguinaria canadensis. It is now being used by skin specialists in oncology as part treatment for the removal of skin cancer.

You can buy a tin of Bloodroot salve from many places. Amazon also stocks it.

Good salves might also contain Cahparral, DMSO, Galangal root, Graviola and Glycerine.

The way it works is that you apply a tiny amount to the skin or mole which appears to be abnormal, cover it with a plaster, and change the plaster each day. It might sting a bit in the beginning, but only a little.

The ingredients in the salve penetrate into the tissue, and 'tag' the cells in the area as 'abnormal' so that your bodies' natural immune system can recognise that the tissue should not be there.

The abnormal area there becomes a small, black, scab like area called an eschar.

Your white blood cells attack and isolate the area from further blood supply. They surround it and you can actually see a ring of dead white cells form around the area.

After about a week you might need to put another tiny bit of salve on the area, if it has not gotten everything to become an eschar.

Then the eschar slowly separates from your skin, as your body pushes it out. Eventually it falls out and leaves an empty crater of new, red skin cells. The cavity which remains is clean and healthy.

You then apply a healing preparation (like clay or coconut oil) to the area every day.

The cavity fills up with new skin which regrows.

You end up with a patch of fresh skin which looks almost like scar tissue, but it is more supple.

There is much information available about this online. I used it myself on a very abnormal mole on my arm, as an experiment to see what happens. It works exactly like everyone says it works. The mole is now completely gone and I have new, fresh skin there. It took about a month. No pain at all, only some itchiness when I was applying a plaster ever day. Fantastic.

There is also a good website which has a lot of detail: